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[미국최대한인포털 뉴욕코리아] 분쟁 지역에서 활약하는 언론인들이 전하는 언론자유 탄압

뉴욕코리아 2022. 5. 13. 13:06

분쟁 지역에서 활약하는 언론인들이 전하는 언론자유 탄압


<사진제공-EMS>중국전문언론 서프 차이나의 제레미 골드콘 편집장 / 멕시코 언론인 리카르도 트로티 기자






중국와 멕시코, 우크라이나 등 분쟁 지역에서 활약하는 언론인들이 온라인 기자회견을 통해 듣는 언론자유 탄압 실태에 대히 밝혔다.


중국전문 온라인 뉴스 서프 차이나(supchina.com) 제레미 골드콘은 중국의 언론에 대해 설명했다. 2016 설립된 서프 차이나는 중국 베이징에서 20년간 주재해온 언론인 제레미 골드콘(Jeremy Goldkorn) 미국에 돌아와 차린 중국 전문 언론이다. 중국의 문화, 경제에 관한 뉴스레터로 시작한  언론은 미중관계를 다루면서 주목을 받고 있다고 한다. 특히 미중경제전쟁과 코로나19 사태 등과 관련해 중국에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다.


골드콘이 말한  신문의 목적은 중국에 대해 공포나 선호 없기 보도하기(without fear or favor)이다. 미국내 특정 이민 전문 언론을 운영하긴 어렵고, 특히 중국 관련은 더욱 그렇다. 중국에 대한 좋아하거나 싫어하는 사람이 워낙 확실하기에, 어떤 언론보도가 나가건 간에 친중, 반중 양쪽에서 비난을 받는 것이다.


일부 친중국정부 신문들과 달리, 서프 차이나를 비롯한 대다수의 이민언론은 중국정부 지원을 받지 않기에 중국에 대해 좀더 공정하게 보도할수 있다고 그는 주장한다 반면 중국 전문 언론으로서 중국  중국인을 악마화하는 일부 정치권도 두고볼수는 없고, 결국 친중 반중 세력에게 모두 눈총을 받는 것이  신문의 위치다.


미국에 위치한 중국전문언론으로서 중국 정부의 검열이나 통제에 벗어나 중국에 대해 보도하는 것도 이들의 의무다. 중국 현지에 기자를 두고 중국 정부에서 검열하는 학술대회나 정치적 의견도, 미국 언론자유를 최대한 활용해 보도한다고 한다.


언론인보호위원회(Committee to Protect Journalists) 카를로리스 마르티네즈   세르나(Carlos Martinez de la Serna) 국장과 UN 따르면 지난 2021 한해 동안 언론인 55명이 피살, 수감, 탄압을 받았다. 특히 멕시코에서만 언론인 8명이 사망했다


현재 러시아의 우크라이나 침공에서도 다수의 언론인이 사망했다. 이처럼 본국에서 탄압받거나 검열당하는 이야기를 미국에서 보도하는 것도 이민언론의 역할이다. 예를 들어 캘리포니아에 위치한 러시아 이민언론 슬라빅색(SlavicSac) 러시아 정부가 보도하지 않는 전쟁 관련 보도를 하고 있다고 루슬란 구자이(Ruslan Gurzhiy) 편집국장은 말했다.


Journalists Worldwide Are Victims of the War on Information

ByEthnic Media Services

April 1, 2022

The global war on information has caught journalists in its crosshairs. All over the world, reporters are being killed, intimidated, harassed, and imprisoned. According to the U.N. 55 journalists were killed in 2021. So far this year, eight journalists have been killed in Mexico along. Access to the internet and social media is curtailed or reduced in many countries and disinformation and propaganda campaigns fill the platforms worldwide. In addition, public opinion about media and journalism are at an all-time low.

Speakers convened by Ethnic Media Services gave an overview of the freedom of information worldwide and how to protect journalists in this dangerous situation.

Carlos Martinez de la Serna, Program Director, Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ):

“We’re seeing record numbers of journalists being in prison and killed around the world. This creates an effect in that country, that we can not only value in terms of the personal tragedy that exists and the human values at stake, but also the impact it has on the global community of journalists.”

“Investigating corruption and political corruption specifically, are the ones usually most targeted because of their work, but they’re also kind of new trends and standards. For example, we documented several cases of at least 47 jailed journalists on fake news charges in 2021.”

“Social media allows us to connect with readers and the audience in different ways, but also make us the subject of attacks and harassment in a systematic way. There’s a continuation in some cases between those attacks online and the physical safety of journalists.”

“We should engage directly with the communities we are aiming to serve. We cannot be officers or in a world that is not fully immersed in the problems we are trying to report on and help. So journalists need to be part of the community.”

Ricardo Trotti, Executive Director, Inter American Press Association (SIP in Spanish)

“In the first quarter of 2022, 8 journalists were killed in Mexico, three in Haiti, one in Guatemala and the other one in Honduras. The context of widespread violence, organized crime, drug trafficking in cooperation with the corruption of government officials, police and paramilitaries in some countries are the leading causes of this problem. In addition to impunity, which rises to 90% of the cases, prevention almost does not exist.”

“In Nicaragua, Ortega closed media outlets such as La Prensa, 100% noticias, expelled more than 150 journalists now in exile”.

“In Cuba, independent journalists, artists, intellectuals have suffered since July 2021, one of the most challenging periods of repression in the last 25 years, similar to the ones that I experienced, with a black spring before the end of the century.”

“Venezuela, another police state, has been suffocating the media with economic measures and direct censorship. In recent years, Maduro closed, confiscated and stole the assets of more than 150 media outlets, among them El National, the major newspaper in that country.” 

Ruslan Gurzhiy, Editor-in-Chief, SlavicSac, Russian News in California:

“Not everybody knows that war did not start months ago in Ukraine. It’s been for a while, and actually in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2019 I went to the war zone in eastern Ukraine and I I took a lot of footage and pictures of what’s going on there: sniper bullets around your ears and bombs blasting over your head.”

“Since 2014, we have done several investigations about Russian-Ukrainian-American corruption…I got personal threats saying that “Next time if you’re going to go to Ukraine, you’re going to get killed. Then your parents are not gonna find you, they’re gonna find you in the forest… When I went to law enforcement (in California), I was told, “we don’t really care about that, unless we see your body, especially if you’re outside of the country.” 

“My base audience is local people from the Sacramento Bay Area, San Francisco, LA, Portland, New York, Miami. All these people are eating our news, because they don’t want to listen to Russian propaganda or disinformation… I wrote several stories about Russian paramilitary troops in Sacramento, in Portland, the west coast and the east coast as well. I got footage and pictures and documents of Kremlin based nonprofits that took over some churches as campgrounds and they trained local kids, Russian-speaking Americans, they train them with Russian rifles.”

Jeremy Goldkorn 金玉米, Editor-in-Chief, SupChina

“The Chinese government has expelled most of the bureaus of The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and foreign journalists get harassed all the time on reporting missions, prevented from interviewing people and there is a growing feelings of nationalism that have got worse over the COVID 19 pandemic amongst Chinese people online.” 

“If you are seen as anti-China, your media can get boycotted by businesses and people who are associated with the PRC, or who want to do business there. And you can get harassed online and if you have family or personal ties to China, this harassment can be very frightening because you don’t know what’s going to happen back in China.”

“If you are seen as Pro China, you may also be subject to attacks in the Anglophone and dissident media and social media…you may be the subject of investigation by the United States government, under something called the China initiative, a Trump era government program to investigate scholars and scientists with a background connected to China.” 





[ⓒ 뉴욕코리아(www.newyorkkorea.net ), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]



미국최대한인포털 뉴욕코리아-NEW YORK KOREA :: 분쟁 지역에서 활약하는 언론인들이 전하는 언론자

<기사입력일자: 2022-04-26> 분쟁 지역에서   활약   언론인들이  전하는   언론자유 탄압 <사진제공-EMS>중국전문언론 서프 차이나의 제레미 골드콘 편집장 /   멕시코 언론인 리카르도 트로티 기
